Houndstooth Leather Cuff Bracelet - SOLD
Imprimeul houndstooth, sau pepit in limba romana, se regasea initial pe hainele traditionale scotiene si este un pattern clasic caracterizat prin jocuri de sah intrerupt, cel mai adesea alb-negru. Acest trend a fost reinterpretat de-a lungul timpului de diversi designeri renumiti, cel mai cunoscut fiind Alexander McQueen, care si-a dedicat in 2009 o intreaga colectie acestui imprimeu. De atunci, adoptarea acestui joc de sah in diverse piese si accesorii ale caselor de moda ( Juicy Couture, Moschino, Valentino etc) a devenit un must. In colaj puteti vedea in ce fel acest imprimeu poate fi un punct de atractie al tinutei dumneavoastra.
Eu am ales sa realizez o bratara din piele lacuita, care are acelasi binecunoscut houndstooth pattern, pe care am accesorizat-o cu un nasture vintage Swarovski (cristalul are o mica ciobitura de 1 mm), pe care l-am imbracat in piele. Lungimea este ajustabila, pentru ca bratara se inchide cu ajutorul unui fir elastic.
Houndstooth pattern was used in wool Scottish traditional clothes and is a classic pattern characterized by interrupted chess games, mostly black and white. This trend has been reinterpreted over time by various renowned designers as Alexander McQueen, who in 2009 devoted an entire collection for this print. Since then, many fashion houses adopted this chess game using it in various ways (Juicy Couture, Moschino, Valentino, etc.) .You can see how this pattern can be the focal point of your outfit.
I chose to do a bracelet in patent leather, which has the same popular houndstooth pattern, that I accessorized with a vintage Swarovski button (the crystal has a small chip of 1 mm), which I covered in leather. The length is adjustable,the bracelet closes with an elastic thread.
Eu am ales sa realizez o bratara din piele lacuita, care are acelasi binecunoscut houndstooth pattern, pe care am accesorizat-o cu un nasture vintage Swarovski (cristalul are o mica ciobitura de 1 mm), pe care l-am imbracat in piele. Lungimea este ajustabila, pentru ca bratara se inchide cu ajutorul unui fir elastic.
Houndstooth pattern was used in wool Scottish traditional clothes and is a classic pattern characterized by interrupted chess games, mostly black and white. This trend has been reinterpreted over time by various renowned designers as Alexander McQueen, who in 2009 devoted an entire collection for this print. Since then, many fashion houses adopted this chess game using it in various ways (Juicy Couture, Moschino, Valentino, etc.) .You can see how this pattern can be the focal point of your outfit.
I chose to do a bracelet in patent leather, which has the same popular houndstooth pattern, that I accessorized with a vintage Swarovski button (the crystal has a small chip of 1 mm), which I covered in leather. The length is adjustable,the bracelet closes with an elastic thread.
Love that cuff...!