
Showing posts from February, 2011

Volcano Burst Swarovski Crystals Earrings- 45 RON / 10.5 €

Cercei din colectia Touch of Elegance, realizati din cristale rotunde Swarovski de 1 cm intr-o nuanta fenomenala - Crystal Volcano, care, in functie de lumina, isi schimba culoarea de la auriu-verzui, la portocaliu, violet intens si fuchsia! Sunt extrem de usori si versatili. Tortite din argint. Se realizeaza la comanda. Earrings from Touch of Elegance collection, made of 1 cm round Swarovski crystals in a phenomenal shade - Crystal Volcano, which, according to the light, changes color from golden-green, orange, purple and fuchsia! They are extremely lightweight and versatile. Sterling silver hooks. Made to order. 

Sweet White Leather Flowers Stud Earrings - 30 RON / 7 €

Cercei din piele accesorizati cu un cristal Swarovski margarita in culoarea light siam. Pielea alba este lacuita. Sunt extrem de feminini...Cerceii sunt placati cu argint. Disponibili si pe alte culoari ( ultima poza - 35 lei / 8 €), pot fi achizitionati in set cu colierul Sapphire Blue Leather Flowers Statement Necklace   Cute leather studs, embellished with a beautiful light siam Swarovski margarita. The white leather is lacquered. Extremely fun and feminine! Silver plated studs. Available in other colors ( see the last picture - 8 €), they can be purchased with Sapphire Blue Leather Flowers Statement Necklace

Outfit of the day

Multe femei detin in garderoba lor o multitudine de piese vestimentare si accesorii, pe care, de multe ori, le uita in dulapuri si sertare, nestiind cum sa le puna in valore. Atunci cand detii obiecte iesite din comun, un pic mai indraznete, este bine sa le combini cu lucruri cat mai simple, dar suficient de valoroase prin materiale sau croieli in asa fel incat sa devina "the perfect background" pentru restul accesoriilor. Aici am incercat o combinatie simpla de culori, unde piesa centrala este desigur, colierul statement realizat din piele si cristale Swarovski Red and Ivory Leather Flowers Statement Necklace. Ce ziceti? Many women have so many clothes and accessories in their wardrobe that often they lock in cupboards and drawers, not knowing how to show them off. When you own a little more daring pieces, you should combine them with more simple things, but sufficiently valuable in materials or cuts so that they become"the perfect background" ...