Angelina Jolie - Inspired Earrings - MADE TO ORDER

Statement - earrings, realizati din 2 cristale Swarovski supradimensionate de 12 si 18 mm, inspirati din celebra pereche de cercei din smarald pe care a purtat-o Angelina la Oscar! Culoarea Fern Green si fatetele cristalelor reflecta lumina intr-un mod dramatic. Purtati la o rochie neagra, vor fi pata de culoare a tinutei. Se poate realizat si inel asortat. Se realizeaza la comanda.

Statement - earrings, made of two oversized Swarovski crystals in 12 and 18 mm, inspired by the famous pair of emerald earrings that Angelina wore at The Oscars! Fern Green color and crystal facets reflect light in a dramatic way. Wear them with a black dress and they will be the focus of the outfit. I can also make a matching ring. Made to order.


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