
Showing posts from July, 2012

Owl Earrings with Turquoise Feathers - SOLD

Aceasta este una dintre cele mai adorabil e perechi de cercei pe care le-am făcut vreodată ! 2 pandante dragute in forma de bufnita cu 2 ochi sclipitori din zircon. Sunt accesorizati cu 2 pene albastru . turcoaz Bufniţele sunt placate cu rodiu , iar cerceii sunt din otel chirurgical .   This is one of the most adorable pair of earrings I have ever made! 2 cute owl pendants with 2 sparkly owl eyes made of cubic zirconium crystals, that are embellished with 2 turquoise blue feathers. The owls are rhodium plated and the earrings are surgical steel.

Violet Is My Charm Bracelet - Sterling Silver Swarovski Crystals and Pearls - Made To Order

Bratara charm din argint, cristale si perle Swarovski, pe care am realizat-o la comanda. Culoarea lila a perlelor Swarovski contrasteaza cu violetul inchis al cristalelor ce capteaza lumina si o reflecta intr-o multime de nuante. Baza bratarii este formata din zale mici ovale, pe care am atasat mai multe cristale si perle, pentru a forma un ciorchine bogat, luxuriant.... A sterling silver charm bracelet with Swarovski crystals and pearls , which I made for a custom order . The soft lilac color of the pearls, contrast with the deep, rich purple velvet color of the crystals. The b ase of the bracelet is composed of small oval links to which I have attached more crystals and pearls to form a rich, lush cluster ....