O pereche de cercei extrem de stralucitoare, realizata cu cristale Swarovski octogon de 14 mm. Culorile care sunt reflectate sunt albastru, galben, portocaliu violet, roz. Cerceii sunt placati cu argint Åi au un link realizat manual din sarma placata cu argint, impodobita cu cristale Swarovski de 4 mm. Lungime 5.5 cm. A very eye-catching pair of earrings, made with a color-changing Swarovski crystal, shaped as an octagon. The colors that are reflected are blue, yellow, purple, orange, pink. The earrings are silver plated and have a beautiful handmade twisted drop, embellished with 4 mm Swarovski crystals.5.5 cm long . 14 mm Swarovski octagons.