
Showing posts from March, 2011

Joy of Life Colorful Swarovski Crystals Earrings - SOLD

O noua pereche din colectia de cercei Touch of Elegance, realizati cu cristale rotunde Swarovski de 1 cm in 4 culori vioaie: albastru, galben, violet si roz. Extrem de usori si stralucitori, au o lungime de 5.5 cm, iar cerceii sunt din argint. Earrings from Touch of Elegance collection, made of 1 cm round Swarovski crystals in 4 joyful colors: blue,yellow,purple and rose! They are extremely lightweight, sparkly and versatile.5.5 cm long. Sterling silver ear hooks.

Black and Red Leather Flowers Necklace - 65 lei / 15 €

Un colier modern si tineresc, realizat din 3 flori din piele, infrumusetate cu cristale rosii si argintii. Florile sunt montate pe un lant placat cu rodiu. Lungime totala 45 cm; diametrul florilor~4 cm. A very fun, modern necklace, made of 3 beautiful handmade leather flowers, embellished with red and silver Czech crystals. The flowers are mounted on high quality rhodium plated chain.

Crystal Butterfly and Flowers Pastel Earrings - SOLD

Iubesc aceasta pereche de cercei! Culorile calde, pastelate imi aduc aminte de primavara ce parca nu doreste sa mai vina....Sunt realizati cu cristale Swarovski si margele acrilice violet. 4 fluturasi dragalasi coboara usor din centrul florilor. Lungimea totala - 5.5 cm. I absolutely love this pair of earrings! The soft, pastel colors make them so attractive. They are made with Swarovski crystals and an acrylic purple flower. Four cute blue Swarovski butterflies descend gently from the center of the flowers. Total length: 5.5 cm (including ear wires)