
Showing posts from October, 2010

Frosty The Snowman Brosa din Piele

Ati vazut un om de zapada mai dragut? O brosa din piele extrem de haioasa ce poate fi un cadou potrivit pentru tine sau pentru cei dragi. Frosty are caciula si fularul realizate din piele lacuita rasie pictata manual si un nas rosu dintr-o margica de sticla. Este lacuita pentru protectie. Diametrul este de 7.5 cm. Have you seen a cuter snowman? A very fun leather brooch that can be a perfect gift for the loved ones! Frosty's hat and scarf are made of hand painted patent bright red leather; he has a glass bead as a nose. It has been lacquered for protection. His diameter is 7.5 cm.

White Chocolate-Black Chocolate Necklace - SOLD!

 Un colier foarte haios, cu trei flori din piele in culori calde ce celebreaza dragostea mea pentru ciocolata! ♥♥♥ Fiecare floare este taiata, lipita si cusuta manual si accesorizata cu cate o perla Swarovski in culoarea cream rose. Pielea este foarte fina si are un finis perlat-metalic. Floarea ivory are 5 cm diametru iar cele maro-ciocolata au intre 3.5-4 cm. Lantul este placat cu aur. Lungime totala 64 cm. A very fun and feminine leather necklace with three cute flowers in warm colors that celebrates my LOVE for chocolate!!! ♥♥♥Each flower is cut, glued and sewn by hand and embellished with cream rose 6 mm Swarovski pearl. The leather is extremely soft and has a metallic-pearl effect finish. The big ivory-golden beige flower has 5 cm diameter and the deep brown chocolate flowers have 3.5-4 cm. The chain is gold plated and it has a very nice finish. Total length: 64 cm.    

Colier Leather Lotus Flowers

Un colier cu acceasi tema principala - frumoasa floare de lotus. Realizat din piele lacuita neagra si rosie si o piele metalizata lucioasa gri-auriu. Fiecare floare a fost taiata, lipita si cusuta manual. Lantul este placat cu rodiu, iar incuietoarea este placata cu argint. Colierul are o lungime totala de 48 cm, florile au 4*5 cm, iar pandantul are 13 cm. A necklace with the same main theme - the beautiful lotus flower. Made of black and red patent leather and a shiny metallic gray-golden leather. Each flower has been cut, glued and sewn by hand. The chain is rhodium plated and the lock is silver plated. The necklace has a total length of 48 cm, the flowers have 4 * 5 cm and the pendant 13 cm . Adăugaţi o legendă

Autumn Treat Leather Necklace - Sold

Colier realizat din piele, pictat manual intr-un motiv floral de inspiratie baroca, in culori calde de toamna, auriu si maro-ciocolata. Este accesorizat cu 2 perle mari Swarovski burgundy de 12 mm si lant auriu. Se aseaza la baza gatului. Colierul este lacuit pentru protectie. Unicat!     Necklace made of leather, hand painted in a baroque-inspired floral motif in warm autumn colors, gold and chocolate brown. It is accessorized with two large pearls, 12 mm Swarovski burgundy and gold chain. It lays at the base of the neck. The necklace is varnished for protection. One of a kind!

Lotus Flower Set

Set realizat din piele lacuita, compus din cercei si colier, ce simbolizeaza admiratia mea pentru floarea de lotus.... Colierul este montat pe un lant placat cu rodiu si este accesorizat cu 6 cristale Swarovski. Fiecare floare a fost taiata, lipita, cusuta si pictata manual. Lungimea colierului este reglabila. Cerceii sunt din otel chirurgical. Set made of patent leather, consisting of earrings and necklace that symbolizes my admiration for the lotus flower .... The necklace is mounted on a rhodium plated chain and is accessorized with 6 Swarovski crystals. Each flower has been cut, glued, sewn and painted by hand. Necklace length is adjustable. The earrings are surgical steel.

Cercei I love Flowers - 45 RON - SOLD

Cercei extrem de delicati, realizati cu cristale Swarovski margaritas( 6 mm) in 2 nuante: bermuda blue si ametist si inimioare Swarovski intr-o nuanta calda de violet pal. Sunt extrem de usori fiind montati pe sarma siliconata de otel. Cerceii sunt din argint. Lungimea totala - 6 cm. Extremely delicate earrings, made with Swarovski crystals margaritas (6 mm) in two colors: Bermuda Blue and  amethyst and Swarovski hearts in a warm shade of purple color. They are extremely lightweight because they are made with silicone coated steel wire. The earrings are sterling silver. Overall length - 6 cm.

I'm So Happy Bracelet - Indisponibila

Bratara din piele, realizata cu cristale Swarovski in multiple culori si margele minune. Pielea a fost tratata pentru a avea un aspect crapat, a fost patinata cu o tenta argintie si lacuita pentru protectie. Lungimea bratarii este reglabila. Leather bracelet, made with Swarovski crystal beads in multiple colors and miracle beads. The leather was treated for a "vintage" look (to have a cracked appearance), it was painted with a silver shade and lacquered for protection. Bracelet length is adjustable.