Sunny Days Vibrant Colors Summer Leather Necklace

Colierul este realizat integral din piele, in culori vibrante de rosu, ciocolata si galben, accesorizat cu cristale din sticla Cehia. Datorita sistemului glisant de inchidere, se poate aseza la baza gatului sau se poate purta mai lung. Fiecare floare este taiata, cusuta si lipita manual pentru siguranta. Lungimea totala ~ 65 cm.

The necklace is made entirely of leather in vibrant colors of red, chocolate and yellow, accessorized with Czech crystal glass. Due to the sliding closure, it can be placed at the base of the neck or it can be worn longer. Each flower is cut, sewn and glued for safety manually. Total length ~ 65 cm.


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