In to the Blues Chocolate Passion Leather Bib - 95 RON/23 €

Un colier de vara din piele naturala, realizat cu flori diafane in nuante de albastru deschis, alb si ciocolata. Este accesorizat cu margele Cehia cusute manual Floarea centrala este pictata manual intr-o nuanta calda de bleu-ciel. Combinatia de culori este foarte vesela si poate fi accesoriul perfect pentru aceasta vara! Este foarte versatil, putand fi purtat in multe feluri in jurul gatului.

Leather necklace and Czech crystals with diaphanous light blue,white and chocolate flowers. The large flower is painted by hand in shades of sky blue. The combination of colors is very cheerful and can be the perfect accessory for this summer! It is very versatile and can be worn around the neck in many ways. 


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