In Bloom Necklace Turquoise Dreams - 95 RON/ 22€

Colier realizat din piele si cristale Swarovski, cu flori diafane albe, turquoise, negre si o floare de mari dimensiuni, vopsita manual. In centrul ei sunt cusute cristale Swarovski de 6 mm intr-o nuanta superba de argintiu.
Combinatia de culori este foarte vesela si poate fi accesoriul perfect pentru jeansi ! Este foarte versatil, putand fi purtat in multiple moduri in jurul gatului. Florile au intre 2,5 si 5 cm.

Leather necklace and Swarovski crystals with diaphanous white flowers, turquoise, black . The large flower is painted by hand in shades of blues; its center is made with 6 mm Swarovski crystals in a beautiful shade of silver.
The combination of colors is very cheerful and can be the perfect accessory for jeans! It is very versatile and can be worn around the neck in many ways. Flowers are between 2.5 and 5 cm.


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