Chocolate Leather Flowers Bouquet - SOLD

Colier realizat din piele, cristale Swarovski si cristale din sticla aurii. Este compus dintr-o multitudine de flori in nuante calde de maro-ciocolata, bej, auriu si ivory. Fiecare floare este taiata, prelucrata manual si apoi lipita si cusuta pentru rezistenta!
Dimensiunile florilor sunt intre 2.5 si 5 cm. Baza colierului si floarea centrala sunt din piele lacuita. Sistemul de inchidere permite ajustarea colierului si asezarea lui multipla in jurul gatului. Poate fi purtat in stilul unei cravate sau dublat in jurul gatului.

Leather necklace amde with Swarovski crystals. It consists of a multitude of flowers in warm shades of chocolate brown, beige, gold and ivory. Each flower is cut, processed by hand and then glued and sewn for strength!
The flowers dimensions are between 2.5 and 5 cm. The base of the necklace and the central flower are lacquered leather. The locking system allows multiple adjustments and settlements around his the neck. It Can be worn in the style of a tie or doubled around the neck.


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