Bridal Bee Earrings with Swarovski Crystals

Am revenit dupa o lunga absenta si m-am gandit sa mai realizez cateva postari pe blog. Nu imi place sa-l neglijez, dar asa se intampla cand vrei sa faci prea multe lucruri de-o data....
Acum ceva timp, am fost contactata de Andrada Sas, o domnisoara foarte talentata, ce se ocupa de organizat nunti. Cauta o pereche de cercei pentru Diana, viitoarea mireasa. Totul s-a intamplat foarte repede, insa mi-am dat seama dupa modelul ales, ca va fi o nunta nonconformista, insa plina de farmec si original. Mireasa a optat pentru o pereche de cercei sub forma de albinuta, cu un cristal Swarovski verde smarald. Asocierea intre elegant si jucaus a caracterizat intreaga atmosfera a nuntii. Mai multe imagini gasiti pe blogul Andradei:

M-am bucurat foarte mult la vederea imaginilor, caci a fost o nunta de VIS!Fotografiile au fost realizate de Ioan Stoica.

I am back now and I hate I have neglected my blog! But this is what happens when you do too many things at once....

Some time ago, I was contacted by Andrada Sas, a very talented young wedding planner.. She was searching for a pair of earrings for Diana, the future bride. Everything happened very quickly, but I realized after the model she chose, that it would be a nonconformist wedding, but full of charm and original. The bride chose a pair of bee earrings with a bright the emerald green Swarovski crystals. The association between elegant and playful characterized the whole atmosphere of the wedding. More pictures can be found on Andrada's blog:

I very much enjoyed the pictures, because it was a dream wedding! Pictures by Ioan Stoica.


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