Glam Up For New Year's Eve!

Pentru petrecerile desfasurate in jurul sarbatorilor si mai ales pentru seara de Revelion, puteti opta pentru o multitudine de tinute. Fie ca alegeti sa petreceti intr-un restaurant, intr-un club sau acasa, alaturi de prieteni sau familie, puteti opta sa purtati tinute sofisticate, elegante, stralucitoare. Se poarta slipiciul, paietele, culorile puternice, insa cu masura! Alegeti tinute simple si accesorii masive, sau rochii glam si accesorii micute. Pentru club, puteti oricand purta colanti si un top cu multe paiete si high heels.
Am inclus printre variante si bijuteriile BijuBrill, of course . Mix & match and have fun!
Va doresc sa aveti Un An Nou mult mai bogat si nu uitati ca bijuteriile va pot aduce un plus de eleganta!

For parties held around the holidays and especially for New Year's Eve, you can choose a variety of outfits. Whether you choose to spend it in a restaurant, a club or at home, with friends or family, you can choose to wear sophisticated, elegant or brilliant outfits .Wear glitter, sequins, bright colors, but not too much! Choose simple outfits and statement jewelry or glam dresses and tiny accessories. You can always wear tights and a sequin top in a club and high heels.
I've included BijuBrill jewelry, of course. Mix & match and have fun!
I wish you all A Happier New Year and remember that jewelry can be sophisticated! 


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