Summer Flowers Leather Necklace

Colier vesel si indraznet, realizat din piele in nuante puternice de oranj, galben, verde si ciocolata. Fiecare floare si frunza sunt taiate si prelucrate manual, fiind accesorizate cu cate un cristal sau o margica din sticla. Se aseaza la baza gatului (baza colierului este din otel plastifiat). Unicat.

Beautiful and fun, this necklace is made out of leather in strong colors of orange,yellow,green and chocolate. Each piece is hand cut and transformed into a feminine flower that will embellish your neck! It is embellished with a crystal or a glass bead in the center that will bring more shine to the necklace. It is wonderful for this summer! The base is coated steel.One of a kind.


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