Outfit of the day

Wear In Style Statement Pieces
Multe femei detin in garderoba lor o multitudine de piese vestimentare si accesorii, pe care, de multe ori, le uita in dulapuri si sertare, nestiind cum sa le puna in valore. Atunci cand detii obiecte iesite din comun, un pic mai indraznete, este bine sa le combini cu lucruri cat mai simple, dar suficient de valoroase prin materiale sau croieli in asa fel incat sa devina "the perfect background" pentru restul accesoriilor. Aici am incercat o combinatie simpla de culori, unde piesa centrala este desigur, colierul statement realizat din piele si cristale Swarovski Red and Ivory Leather Flowers Statement Necklace. Ce ziceti?

Many women have so many clothes and accessories in their wardrobe that often they lock in cupboards and drawers, not knowing how to show them off. When you own a little more daring pieces, you should combine them with more simple things, but sufficiently valuable in materials or cuts so that they become"the perfect background" for the rest of the accessories. Here I tried a simple combination of colors, where the centerpiece is, of course, my statement necklace made of leather and Swarovski crystals Red and Ivory Leather Flowers Statement Necklace.  Well, what do you say?


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