Red and Ivory Leather Flowers Statement Necklace - 100 RON / 24 €

Un colier statement realizat dintr-o multitudine de flori din piele taiate si prelucrate manual, in nuante calde de bej, ivoire, rosu aprins si gri metalic. Fiecare floare are in centru cate un cristal Swarovski de 4 mm, iar floarea centrala are un accesoriu metalic antichizat. Incuietoarea este de tip toggle si este placata cu argint. Diamterul florilor este intre 2.5 si 6 cm. Baza colierului este din piele intoarsa neagra.

A statement necklace made of a multitude of hand cut leather flowers in  warm shades of beige, ivory, red and metallic gray. Each flower has a 4 mm Swarovski crystal in the center. The locking system is a toggle clasp which is silver plated. The diameter of the flowers is between 2.5 and 6 cm. The base of the necklace is black suede.


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