Lotus Flower Set

Set realizat din piele lacuita, compus din cercei si colier, ce simbolizeaza admiratia mea pentru floarea de lotus....
Colierul este montat pe un lant placat cu rodiu si este accesorizat cu 6 cristale Swarovski. Fiecare floare a fost taiata, lipita, cusuta si pictata manual.
Lungimea colierului este reglabila. Cerceii sunt din otel chirurgical.

Set made of patent leather, consisting of earrings and necklace that symbolizes my admiration for the lotus flower .... The necklace is mounted on a rhodium plated chain and is accessorized with 6 Swarovski crystals. Each flower has been cut, glued, sewn and painted by hand. Necklace length is adjustable. The earrings are surgical steel.


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