Colier Leather Flowers Bouquet

Colier realizat din piele (normala, lacuita), cristale (Swarovski margarita) si perle Swarovski de 6 mm. Fiecare floare este taiata si prelucrata manual. Baza colierului este otel plastifiat argintiu. Se aseaza la baza gatului. Culorile florilor sunt: burgundy-red, bej, maro-ciocolata, auriu, maro-cuprat. Fiecare floricica are in centru un cristal. Floarea aurie are un cristal de 1 cm de Boemia. Dimensiuni flori - intre 2,5 si 4 cm diametru.


Leather necklace, Swarovski crystals (Swarovski margarita) and 6 mm Swarovski pearls. Each flower is cut and processed manually. It lays at the base of the neck. The color of the flowers are burgundy-red, beige, brown chocolate, gold, copper-brown . Each flower has a crystal in the center. The golden flower has a 1 cm Bohemian crystal . Flower size - between 2.5 and 4 cm in diameter.
One of a kind!


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