Cercei Green Breeze...- SOLD

Cercei candelabru realizati din 28 de cristale intr-o nuanta calda de verde-mar, extrem de eleganti. Cristalul in forma de octogon (8 mm) ofera un plus de stralucire datorita modului in care capteaza lumina. Sunt extrem de usori. Arata grozav cu o rochie neagra seara sau la o rochie vaporoasa in timpul zilei! Elemente argintate si placate cu rodiu.Colectia Go Green!

Chandelier earrings made with 28 crystals in a warm shade of green apple, very elegant. Octagon-shaped crystal (8 mm) offers more brightness because of the way it captures light. Despite the large number of crystals, they are extremely light. They look great with a black evening dress or a hazy dress during the day! Collection Go Green!


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