Silver Leather Flowers Set - 48 RON/11€

Set din cercei si inel realizate din piele naturala gri-auriu metalizat si cristale Swarovski.
Cristalele Swarovski au nuanta calda violet opal si complementeaza superb nuantele pielii. Baza inelului este perforata manual.
Un set dragut, potrivit pentru sezonul cald, simplu dar pretios!

The color of the leather is extremely beautiful! This set has 2 cute little flower-earrings and a ring with Swarovski crystals shining in the center.
The color is difficult to describe -it has a dark gray-golden metallic shine to it! The ring base is hand perforated.  R
ing: 3,5 cm flower diameter ; earrings: 1,5 cm diameter.


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